Thursday, December 22, 2005


OK, so now I'm hooked on ANOTHER GW game! Had a bash of the new Lord Of The Rings Strategy Battle Game with Rob & Young Chris yesterday (They played, I kept Bec occupied until she slept, and simultaneously managed the rules!). Gondorian Warriors took on an Orc horde, and after a battle which swung both ways, Good (Chris) triumphed over Evil (Rob). Both players agreed that the game played well, and I noticed that as the game wore on, they needed less and less to refer to the manual. The rules flowed well, and especially given that I have enough figures to remake the movies in miniature, we will play again! We have a game slated for after Christmas, in which Andy (Late but in Earnest) has promised to make an appearance. Isupect that we may have found the set of skirmish rules which we shall beat into shape for other periods (and other movies/TV shows) that we want to game. I have figures for Buffy and an Arthurian (Dark Age Britain) game, but I have always thought that Indiana Jones needs gaming too... So many thoughts, so little time!


Anonymous said...

You have figures for Buffy? They would look so cute!

Is Angle fat or slim in your version?

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, Buffy is obsessed with the whole Fat Angel thing... ever since I pointed it out to her :)

Richard said...

It's hard to tell.. he is wearing a billowing overcoat...

I will take some photos at some stage and post them! They were, of course, not official licenced figures, so they were described as 'Teenaged Vampire Hunter', 'Soulful Male Vampire', 'Willowey Young Witch' & so on!