Sunday, January 22, 2006


How have I managed to go so long without spotting this gem? It's created by the creator of one of my all-time favourite shows (Buffy), and is sci-fi... Both of these should have meant that it appeared on my radar straight off. But no. So I am grateful to my friend Sarah for finding it, buying it, and loaning it to me!

The basic concept, for the unintiated, is a space/western, set about 500 years in the future, and on the fringes of the civilised universe. Joss Whedon runs with the assumtion that the US & China were left as the only remaining superpowers, and so the cultures merged... and this means that the show has pockets of untranslated Mandarin spouted by the characters. He also assumes that the frontier of human space is very much like most other frontiers, very much Wild West. It works.

The stories centre around a Firefly class freighter Serenity , her Captain Mal Reynolds, First Mate Zoe, her husband & ship's pilot "Wash" and crewman Jayne Cobb. They are joined by passengers of various ilks and trades, and their hunt for work fuels the stories. As with Whedon's other work, humour abounds, and the show doesn't take itself too seriously. Perhaps this helped to grab me?

There is also a movie, "Serenity", done after the series was cancelled by FOX after only 14 episodes... a travesty! It is due for release in February here in Oz, and I know that I WILL be buying a copy!


Anonymous said...

It is this show together with others of it's kind that have got me through many a lonely night.

Enjoyable and easy to follow, even if you miss a few episodes. But then I do that with all the shows I watch.

I'm sure that this was showing over here in the UK or SA AGES ago, but damn that trans-atlantic travelling, I can't keep up.

Richard said...

Ahh, but I discovered it on DVD, and so got a full burst all at once. I am now a committed Browncoat! (Or do I just need to be committed... I never can get that straight!)

Anonymous said...

yay i feel special for getting a mention richard, i actually caught a couple of ep's on win like in 2004 i think so it was on tv here. seeing the add on tv for serenity reminded me, it was awsome at the cinema!lizzie and i were crying wen wash died :(