Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Warhammer 40K

I have avoided, during my 15 years as a gamer, the Games Workshop Hobby (As it likes to style itself...). I have been sucked in, however, thanks to my nephews, to 40k. The figures are well sculpted, go together well, paint brilliantly, and look fabulous completed... and it really is a full-service company. The same lot provide figures, rules, background, paints, etc.

I am sort of coming to feel that this is very much the future of wargames... and a formerly small New Zealand company, Battlefront Miniatures has very much taken their lead... everthing you need in one place.

Now I don't think the days of cottage-industry-wargames companies is over yet, but perhaps the end is nigh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's certainly going that way. I think, in the future, we're going to see more and more pre-painted and pre-made things, too. I know part of the hobby, for some, is the construction and painting... but people are so time poor, they'd prefer to pull it all out of a box and just play. The cottage industry is going to become a tent industry soon, I think.