Thursday, June 03, 2010

Take 42!

So, here I am, some 6 months down the track, and finally I have some time at work to attempt to do Learning 2.0 once more... Of course, I have to finish the programme before the end of the month, as a part of my appraisal process... I do have the advantage that I actually use most of the stuff that is covered on a regular basis, so there is not a huge learning curve for me!

So, once more into the breach, Dear Friends! Allons-y!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well... I had wondered if Blogger was broken, or just at work... it would seem that once more, the IT Department are conspiring to make doing our jobs harder! Works just fine at home, so the Council network is to blame! Yay!

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Pictorial Guide to Avoiding camera loss...

Found this through an RSS feed on Bloglines... VERY funny!

A bridge so far

A bridge so far, originally uploaded by Rich007.

This shot was taken by a photographer friend of mine, on a recent visit to Sydney. An unusual angle on our Bridge, but a lovely night shot!


I have had a Flickr account for some time, but have only recently uploaded some of my piccies to it... there is a link to the left, in "Links a lot", so feel free to check 'em out! I have come to really enjoy photography, recently, and love the way digital technolgy has revolutionised the humble camera. I have always been the sort of person who takes bucket-loads of photos, for the one good shot, so being able to discard the trash BEFORE printing it out works for me! And being able to edit, crop and modify the image myself... awesome!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hey there!

This is a quick note to kick-off my new blogging experience... I have blogged before, but was a Bad Blogger, and didn't update anywhere near as often as I should I have! This time WILL be different! BTW, if you wish to view my previous rambles, try ... it may be interesting. It may also bore the pants off you, but that is the risk you take when you go online!

I am doing this as part of the NSW State Library's Learning 2.0 programme, and I am looking forward to getting a grasp on some of the technologies that have so far eluded me. So, as that great philosopher, The Doctor, would say: "Allons-y!" and off we go!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Ummm.... back?

I am doing the Learning 2.0 course, through the library... doing a blog is a part of this is me reactivating this blog!