Saturday, February 18, 2006


WOW! How I wish I had caught this at the cinema. This is the movie that followed on from the popular (But cancelled...) Joss Whedon TV series Firefly... And it is so well done. Whedon has done the near-impossible in managing to bring newcomers into the film with a short intro that gives them everything they need to know, while also giving fans of the series all of the elements that they love, no contradictions to what they know, and not boring them with stuff that they knew by heart. Brilliant!

According to the docos that accompany the DVD, the film was made on a (Hollywood) shoestring budget. (Hollywood shoestring is different to any ordinary shoestring in being so very much larger!) Despite this, the special effects are totally convincing (as they were with the series, but as some lower budget movies fail badly in this, it is interesting to note.), and the sets are almost identical to those from the series, even though these were trashed after Firefly's cancellation.

It is a testament to the love that the actors have for this show, and this universe, that the entire series cast was able to re-assemble for the movie. Their performances are so true to the original series that it is hard to believe it has been three years since they were last together.

If you are already a fan of Firefly, this movie will leave you wanting more. If you have never heard of Firefly, but like Joss Whedon's other work (Buffy & Angel), buy the DVD, watch it, and then you'll be buying the Firefly box set. If, on the other hand, you have no idea about Firefly or you are asking "Who is this Joss Whedon character, anyway?", then rent Serenity. You may just be about to go into a major DVD buying spree... or you may hate it. But if you don't try it, you will never know!

Friday, February 10, 2006

I actually do stuff that isn't wargaming... sometimes!

Just to prove that I do sometimes actually work... here are some photos from our 2005 Fire Brigades Open Day. The first is of a simulated fuel fire (ie: it is actually fuel burning, but it's not a problem because 'Deputy Captain Dick' is standing by!). This is followed by the shot of me putting the fire out using the fog setting and Aqueous Film Forming Foam. It's not a great photo, but I can just tell it's me from the 'DC' on the side of the helmet! And last is me, explaining the inner workings of the Firepac (The Big Red Truck) to a passing child. Again, not the best photo, but then I clearly wasn't taking it, was I?

This year's open day will be Saturday 29th of April, and every-one is welcome at their local NSW Fire Brigade Station... and of course anyone who happens along to Narellan also get to be taught Fire Safety by 'Deputy Captain Dick'!